Wellness Ambassadors
Would you like to be part of a team focused on promoting an engaging and meaningful wellness experience for all employees at KU? Apply to become a Wellness Ambassador!
A KU Wellness Ambassador is a volunteer who works to empower and engage fellow employees in their health and wellness journey. The goal of the KU Wellness Ambassadors Program is to positively influence all aspects of the health and wellness culture at the University of Kansas.

What does a Wellness Ambassador do?
- Routinely share information within your unit about university-wide wellness programming, resources, and events
- Use creativity to implement health campaigns and wellness activities within your unit
- Advocate for your unit’s wellbeing needs with the Faculty & Staff Wellness Committee and the Office of Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Cultivate a culture of wellness where employees can thrive, both within your unit and across KU
What is the commitment?
- Attend two Wellness Ambassador training programs a year (one each semester)
- Serve a minimum one-year term
- Plan one wellness activity per semester, either within your unit or for the larger campus (e.g., Plan a potluck for your office that highlights healthy foods or schedule a departmental viewing of a Lunch-N-Learn webinar.)
- Coordinate activities through the Faculty & Staff Wellness Committee
- This role is voluntary with minimal time commitment: approximately one to two hours/month
What’s in it for me?
- Contribute to improving the culture of health and wellness at KU
- Connect and network with other team members across campus
- Be listed as a Wellness Ambassador on the Wellness webpage
- Build and strengthen connections and relationships with colleagues in your unit
- Exclusive KU Wellness Ambassador swag!
KU Wellness Ambassador Pledge
- I agree to support employee health and wellness at the University of Kansas.
- I agree to serve as my unit’s Ambassador for at least a year.
- I agree to stay informed of the health and wellness resources available to the KU community.
- I agree to dedicate at least 1-2 hours per month to wellness-related planning and/or communication.
- I agree to work with the Director of Mental Health & Wellbeing to support initiatives and promote wellness across campus.
- I agree to empower employees to make informed decisions that positively impact their individual health.
- I acknowledge and respect that everyone’s wellness journey is different.
- I agree to be a messenger, motivator, and role model who helps gather, create, and disseminate information to help build and maintain a culture of health and wellness at KU.
Wellness Ambassadors
Name | Title, Department | |
Abby Folsom | HR Coordinator, School of Business | abby.folsom@ku.edu |
Aja Lee McCormick | Education Program Coordinator, Recreation Services | a.mccormick-barros@ku.edu |
Alaina Nasello | Communications Specialist, Housing and Residence Life | alaina.nasello@ku.edu |
Amy Carlson | Director of Strategic Initiatives, Finance Administration | AmyCarlson@ku.edu |
Amy Leyerzapf | Sr. Lecturer/ Director of Instructional Design & Development, Institute for Leadership Studies | amyley@ku.edu |
Angela Andres | Special Collection Conservator, Libraries / Distinctive Collections | andresa@ku.edu |
Ann Hause | Technical Director, Lied Center | ahause@ku.edu |
Anna Marie Sosa | Administrative Associate, School of Professional Studies | annamariesosa@ku.edu |
Ashley Crowl | Clinical Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy | ancrowl@ku.edu |
Beth Hoffman | Grant Coordinator, Award Management Services, Office of Research | bethhoffman@ku.edu |
Cady Bush | Assistant Director, COBRE Center for Molecular Analysis of Disease Pathways, Chemistry | cbush@ku.edu |
Caty Movich | Admin Associate Senior, Institute for Policy and Social Research | cgmovich@ku.edu |
Christine Metz Howard | Director of Strategic Communications, International Affairs | cmetzhoward@ku.edu |
Christopher Anderson | Asst. Director, School of Engineering Career Center | christopher.anderson@ku.edu |
Cortney Grubbs | Degree Analyst, College Undergraduate Academic Services | mckayc@ku.edu |
Crystal Dippre | Organizational Design Analyst, Professional Development, Human Resources | crystal.dippre@ku.edu |
Diane Guthrie | Research Project Specialist, ATLAS | d.guthrie@ku.edu |
Erin Kelley-Garrison | Assistant Director of Academic & Student Life, School of Law | ekg@ku.edu |
Eugene Normandin | Hydronics Specialist Senior Technician, HVAC, Operations | e347n692@ku.edu |
Gabe Lewis-O'Connor | Associate Director of Choral Studies, School of Music | glewisoconnor@ku.edu |
Gabriele Leite | Education Program Coordinator, Assessment & Technology Solutions, AAI | gleite@ku.edu |
Gelita Fields | Associate Director, Animal Care Unit | gelita.fields@ku.edu |
Gregory Thomas | Professor, Director Center for Design Research, Architecture & Design | gthomas@ku.edu |
Hazel Rogers | Student Program Coordinator, School of Social Welfare | hazelrogers@ku.edu |
Heather Shire | Investigator, Office of Civil Rights & Title IX | heather.shire@ku.edu |
Jaclyn Carpenter | Prevention Specialist, Sexual Assault Prevention & Education Center | carpenterjaclyn@ku.edu |
Jasmine Moore | Administrative Associate Sr./Team Coordinator, Enrollment Management | jazzy@ku.edu |
Jeannie Houts | Executive Associate, School of Education and Human Sciences | jmhouts@ku.edu |
Jeff Benike | Assistant Director of Training, Learning, & Assessment, Housing and Residence Life | jeffrey.benike@ku.edu |
Jennifer Wamelink | Associate Vice Provost Student Affairs | wamelink@ku.edu |
Jenny McKee | Associate Director, Health Education Resource Office | jemckee@ku.edu |
Joan Bisco | Administrative Assistant, AFROTC MSB | joanbisco@ku.edu |
Jordan Wade | Director of Student Access Services, Architecture & Design | jordanwade@ku.edu |
Kit Cole | Accessibility Coordinator, Information Technology | kitcole@ku.edu |
Laurie White | Gray-Little Building Facilities Manager, Office of Research | lauriewhite@ku.edu |
Leigh Sands | Management Analyst, Analytics, Institutional Research, & Effectiveness (AIRE) | lsands@ku.edu |
Lisa Sharpe Elles | Associate Teaching Professor, Chemistry | sharpeelles@ku.edu |
Lori Blaylock | Senior Director, Prospect Information Management, KU Endowment | lblaylock@kuendowment.org |
Marisa Martinez | Administrative Assistant to Director, Watkins Health Center | marisa.martinez@ku.edu |
Mary Dykmann | Community Engagement Manager, KU Edwards Campus/Administration | mdykmann@ku.edu |
Michelle Ginavan Hayes | Program Manager, Relocation & Dual Career Services, Human Resources | mginavan@ku.edu |
Nancy Baker | IT Assistant Director, Information Technology | nbaker@ku.edu |
Nancy Biles | Associate Director, Research Administration, Office of Research | nbiles@ku.edu |
Noemi Villegas | Research Director, SWIFT, Life Span Institute | Noemi.villegas@ku.edu |
Patty Quinlan | Clinical Program Coordinator, Watkins Health Services | pquinlan@ku.edu |
Ryan Grimes | Functional Systems Analyst, Transportation Services | rgrimes@ku.edu |
Sarah Grabber | Assistant Director, Student Support and Case Management, Student Affairs | sarahross2997@ku.edu |
Sarah Kern | Administrative Associate Sr., Applied English Center | sjkern@ku.edu |
Sharon Riley | Professional Development Manager, Libraries | smriley@ku.edu |
Stephanie Ruppen | Program Coordinator, Center for Service Learning | sruppen@ku.edu |
Steven Bergman | Director of Housing Facilities Operations, Housing and Residence Life | stevenbergman@ku.edu |
Tara Combes | Academic Advisor, Jayhawk Academic Advising/School of Social Welfare | taracombes@ku.edu |
Wendy Conover | Communications Coordinator, Libraries | g796c012@ku.edu |
Yvonnes Chen | Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications | y.chen@ku.edu |